GETS Beyond Economic Impact

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The Benefits of Getslocal: Beyond Economic Impact 

1. Strengthening Community Ties:

  • Social Cohesion: One of the most significant benefits of GETS is its ability to foster social cohesion within communities. By encouraging residents to support local businesses, GETS helps build stronger relationships between consumers and local entrepreneurs. This not only benefits the local economy but also strengthens the social fabric of the community, creating a sense of shared identity and mutual support.
  • Local Networking: For businesses, GETS provides a platform for networking with other local enterprises. This networking can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and a supportive business environment where local businesses can share resources, knowledge, and customer bases.

2. Environmental Sustainability:

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: By promoting local shopping, GETS contributes to environmental sustainability. Local businesses typically source their products from nearby suppliers, reducing the need for long transportation routes, which in turn reduces the carbon footprint associated with consumer goods. Additionally, consumers are encouraged to walk or use local transport to visit nearby stores, further reducing the environmental impact.
  • Supporting Local Agriculture and Production: GETS programs often highlight and promote businesses that engage in sustainable practices, such as local farmers, artisans, and producers. This helps to support sustainable agriculture and reduces reliance on long supply chains that can be environmentally damaging.

3. Economic Resilience:

  • Economic Multiplication Effect: By keeping money circulating within the community, GETS helps create a multiplier effect, where the impact of each pound spent is amplified as it moves through different hands within the local economy. This enhances the overall economic resilience of the community, making it less vulnerable to external economic shocks.
  • Job Creation: As local businesses thrive, they are more likely to hire locally, creating jobs and further stimulating the local economy. This creates a virtuous cycle where successful businesses lead to more employment opportunities, higher consumer spending, and, consequently, even more successful businesses.

4. Enhancing Local Identity and Cultural Heritage:

  • Preserving Local Character: GETS initiatives often emphasize the unique character of local businesses, many of which may offer products and services that reflect the cultural heritage of the area. By supporting these businesses, GETS helps preserve the local identity, preventing communities from becoming homogenized by the presence of national or multinational chains.
  • Cultural Events and Festivals: GETS programs frequently sponsor or support local cultural events, festivals, and markets that celebrate the heritage and traditions of the community. These events not only boost local spending but also reinforce the cultural identity of the area, making it a more attractive place to live and visit.

5. Educational Opportunities:

  • Financial Literacy and Local Economy Workshops: GETS programs may also include educational components, offering workshops or seminars on topics like financial literacy, the importance of supporting the local economy, and sustainable business practices. These educational opportunities can empower both consumers and business owners, leading to more informed spending and business decisions.
  • Youth Engagement: Some GETS initiatives focus on engaging young people in the local economy, perhaps through school partnerships or youth entrepreneurship programs. These efforts help to instill the values of localism and community support from an early age, ensuring the future vitality of the local economy.


The Path Forward with GETS:
The comprehensive approach of the GETS programs offers communities a way to combat the declining velocity of the pound and the challenges posed by modern economic trends. By making it easy and rewarding for both consumers and businesses to participate, GETS not only stimulates local economies but also enhances community cohesion, environmental sustainability, and cultural preservation. As more businesses and consumers join GETS, the potential for revitalizing local economies grows, making this initiative a powerful tool for ensuring long-term economic and social resilience.

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